Propao sam!
Propao sam! Nakon dva tjedna ću morati živjeti na kruhu i vodi, ili fušariti kod onih što sviraju harmoniku u metrou na radnom mjestu medvjeda koji pleše.
Naimakaje: odmah iza drugog ugla su, osim običnog špeceraja (koji je iza prvog ugla), mesnica s raznim paštetama i 'terinama', trgovina sirevima i pekara s uvijek vrućim bagetima. Rade i nedjeljom. Našao sam ih slijedeći trag ljudi s nagriženim mirišljavim pola metra dugačkim kruhekima. Dosad probane đakonije uključuju: meko kuhano jaje u hladetini, s nogu obarajuća guščja pašteta, terina od šunke u hladetini, nešto kao vrlo smrdljivi kozji kajmak, nešto slično mozzareli u finom maslinovom ulju s bosiljkom kojeg ti obilato nagrabe u posudicu da se nađe za tunjkanje... Što god probaš je od finog do nevjerovatnog. Ali jeftino nije.
I am ruined!
There is conspiracy against me running here in 16th Parisien district. They have installed shops selling all kinds of pates, mind boggling choice of cheeses and warm, crispy baguettes right around the corner, and they are open even on Sundays. I will soon be ruined both financially and calorie intake-wise.
Random thoughts (often deteriorating into rants) that came to my mind while in the loo. Half-baked reactions to something read, heard or experienced. Some in English, some in Croatian. You will notice a short hiatus of, umm, 16 years.
Sunday, June 6, 2004
Saturday, June 5, 2004
Bonzi u Parizu / Bonzi in Paris
U četvrtak sam stigao u Pariz, na dvomjesečni 'gastarbeit' u SNCF-u, francuskim državnim željeznicama. O poslu, na žalost, ne smijem pričati (NDA i to), premda bi bilo vrlo zanimljivo :-)
Smješten sam u stančiću kod Trocadera. Par slika i prvi dojmovi ovdje.
Bonzi in Paris
I am in Paris for a two-month consulting assignment with SNCF. A beginnings of a photo album (comments in Croatian) here.
Smješten sam u stančiću kod Trocadera. Par slika i prvi dojmovi ovdje.
Bonzi in Paris
I am in Paris for a two-month consulting assignment with SNCF. A beginnings of a photo album (comments in Croatian) here.
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Strange as it can seem to some, Martians don't speak English, and English is not the official language of Mars. So, when International ...
OK, this is the obligatory first test post. Let it be in English (I intend to post about things that only my compatriots could possibly find...
Strange as it can seem to some, Martians don't speak English, and English is not the official language of Mars. So, when International ...
I am speechless, more or less. I did manage to post few times here, on BBS for owners of an exotic audio device . Their Off Topic forum, ho...